ART and the Media

Ann’s Decision

My 4-year old son is questioning where babies come from. How do they get in their mommy’s bellies? How do they get out? He is fascinated and astounded at my carefully-crafted answers. And even though this is obviously not my first time to figure out how the process works, I can’t help but be astounded too. It really is amazing, and what is even more amazing is our ability to manipulate the process to assist couples that are dealing with fertility issues.

Apparently, I am not the only with artificial reproductive technology on the mind. Coincidentally, two of my favorite television sitcoms, Parks and Recreation and The Mindy Project have characters in situation involving the hand selection of a sperm donor to assist with making a baby, in one instance for a single women and in another for a married couple. Even these light comedies had to slow down and allow their characters to grasp the gravity of such a huge decision.

The laws defining artificial reproduction are unclear and not well defined. Usually, the best way to get the legislature’s attention is through PR and the media. Hopefully, by raising awareness about these issues and bringing them into the spotlight, the law will begin to take notice of the need to evolve.

For information about adoption law, follow my adoption blog here.



Tana Benner is an family law attorney with Knight & Salladay. Her practice is focused in the areas of adoption, reproductive law, child custody cases, and guardian ad litem work. She is passionate about helping children and victims of domestic violence.

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